Isavia ANS ehf., Reykjavíkurflugvelli, 102 Reykjavík /
Isavia ANS, Reykjavik Airport, IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Sími / Telephone: + 354 424 4000 

AIC A 11/2024
Effective from  29 NOV 2024
Published on 29 NOV 2024

Ráðstafanir gegn brautar- og ökubrautarátroðningi /
Runway and taxiway incursion

Content Responsibility: Icelandic Transport Authority

1 Information and recommendations

Taxiing of aircraft to and from runways is potentially the most dangerous part of flying due to close proximity to other aircraft, vehicles, and people.
In recent years incidents involving runway incursions, i.e. where an aircraft, vehicle, or person enters the runway safety area without a clearance, have increased considerably. In addition frequency of taxiway incursions have rised, particularly at Keflavik airport since new taxiway MIKE was taken into operation.
For this reason, the Icelandic Transport Authority would like to present the following information and recommendations to pilots, air traffic controllers, and drivers at airports.

2 Causal factors

Pilots, air traffic controllers, and drivers of vehicles and ground equipment at airports can all be involved in a runway incursion incident. When studying runway incursion incidents in Iceland, it becomes evident that most incidents happen due to communication breakdown between pilots and air traffic controllers or errors in ground taxi operation or vehicle operation.
Examples of causes of incidents are where instructions from ATC are not followed, clearances are incorrectly read back and pilots or vehicle drivers misunderstand instructions. There are also many examples of pilots not respecting runway holding point lines, signs, and lighting despite clear instructions to hold short and pilots taxiing an incorrect route.
Many of these incidents could have been prevented with the vigilance of pilots, drivers, and air traffic controllers.

3 What can be done?

It is important to bear in mind that it is never allowed to cross a runway holding point line without clearance from ATC. Whether it is for take-off, or to cross a runway.
If there is the slightest doubt whether clearance has been given, pilots should always seek confirmation from ATC.
  • Be professional and proficient in radio communication. If there is any doubt with instructions clarification should be sought from ATC. Controllers are always ready to repeat or clarify instructions.
  • Use standard Icelandic phraseology (see AIC B 001/2022 on phraseology in radio communication). English standard phraseology according to ICAO DOC 4444 is always accepted.
  • It is good practice to write down ATC instructions if possible.
  • Pilots should familiarize themselves with airport surface markings, signs, and lighting.
  • Pilots should familiarize themselves with taxi routes and airport layout before flying, especially the airport’s “hot spots”.
  • Check the airport’s NOTAMs, they should contain information about construction work, closures, unserviceable lights, etc.
  • Always have an airport chart available during taxi, preferably AIP charts.
The above points apply equally to controlled and uncontrolled airports. Where there is no air traffic service, it is important to broadcast intentions on the airport’s frequency or the Unicom frequency 118.100/118.400 MHz as applicable and closely monitor other traffic around the airport before take-off or landing.

4 Contacts

The following may be contacted for information or to provide feedback:
     Icelandic Transport Authority 
     Armula 2, IS-108 Reykjavik, Iceland
Netfang / Email:

Sími / Phone:  +354 480 6000


AIC hereby cancelled:  
AIC A 009/2022
NOTAM incorporated in this AIC: